
Research Pilot Agreement


This Research Pilot Agreement Contract between GO TIME TECHNOLOGIES, Inc. (hereafter referred to as 'Go Time') and the client is made on this date and shall continue in effect until such time as either party makes changes in writing.

1. For good and valuable consideration, the client agrees to participate in a limited time program (the “Research Pilot”), during which the client agrees to make a good faith effort to provide reasonable data requested by Go Time. Go Time will provide access to its software and services free of charge to the client for the duration of the research pilot. Upon commercial launch of the associated Go Time product, the client will receive a 90% discount on subscription access to associated software and services for 12 months.

2. Any and all client data collected during the Research Pilot will be owned by the client, insofar as the client retains the right to cease storage and usage of the client's data. Go Time may share client data collected during the Research Pilot with external research partners, but will only do so in an anonymized fashion such that the client data cannot be traced back to the client's individual identity. At any time, the client may terminate their Research Pilot Agreement, and Go Time will promptly delete and destroy all records containing individual client data.

3. The client understands that he/she waives the right to sue and seek compensation for damages that may arise from involvement in this Research Pilot, regardless of whether the software and services have been used properly or misused. The client also acknowledges that all products and services created, manufactured, distributed, or otherwise provided by Go Time are provided on the condition that its users accept full responsibility for ill effects the product may cause.

Proceeding with the creation of a Go Time account and usage of said account will be treated as acceptance of this agreement on behalf of the client.